Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Word of Encouragement

As the new school year begins and you start reading the homeschooling magazines, and listening to the homeschooling tapes, and fretting over the day to day struggles, there are a few things to keep in mind.
  1. Do it for the glory of God....Not for superior grades, earlier graduation dates, or college at age 16.
  2. The vast majority of children are not concert pianists, violists, or soloists. They are ordinary, special to God, and useful for God's Kingdom.
  3. Most homeschooled kids do not own their own businesses by age 13, graduate from college at age 16 or run for political office at age 19. They are ordinary, special to God, and useful for God's Kingdom.
  4. Not all homeschool families have 14 children, perfectly managed households, and unusually obedient children. They are ordinary, special to God, and useful for God's' Kingdom.
Remember that though there are special and talented and unusually gifted homeschool children and families (and we thank God for them because they flavor our lives and give us models to aspire to), the majority of homeschool families provide the backbone for society and are unassuming, unremarkable, and unexceptional. But we all need to be faithful and diligent....ordinary, special to God, and useful for God's Kingdom.

Educate your children to love God, seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and the rest (math, english, history, literature, etc.) will be added unto them. Then they will be special to God, useful for God's Kingdom, and extraordinary.

For more tools to raise godly children see